Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hey Y'all,

I have this theory.... it involves my two favorite shows Dawson's Creek and Saved by the Bell. My first love has always been Saved by the Bell. There is something about how Zach endlessly chases Kelly and finally ends up marrying her. I can sing the theme song backwards and even perform the dance moves that Kelly, Jesse, and Lisa do in my favorite episode. I Love this show. Slater was my favorite guy, it was probably because he liked the smart girl, Jesse.

My second favorite show is Dawson's Creek, I never watched it when it was on, but when I went to college I had a break between 9-11 and guess what would come on.... Dawson's Creek. I really don't know why I continue to love this show. It probably has something to do with loving the teenage drama that I didn't have to experience when I was a teenager myself.

My theory is this you can answer all questions in life by watching Saved by the Bell or Dawson's Creek episode. You like someone without them knowing: you have choice between between Joey and Dawson or Screech and Lisa. Teen pregnancy, Drug problems, Broken heart, bad parent relationships... you name it and you can find the answer in these two shows. I absolutely love these shows. So, go and relax now that school is out or parties are over. Watch something that is funny requires no thinking and purely entertains you.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hey Y'all,
It is officially Brooke Week in the Helsley Home. My amazing, awesome, beautiful, compassionate, kind, sweet, sassy, wonderful, and most importantly Godly sister is graduating from High school. I will be going home for 5 days to celebrate this huge accomplishment for my sister. Without getting too mushy or sad, I just wanted to write about how much my sister graduating is really a testament to our faithful the Lord is and how much He Loves and cares for His Children. My sister and I are almost as opposite as one can get from someone. She truly holds all the characteristics that I don't and she carries them out beautifully. I hold pride in my family because if you know the Helsley's we are quite the family, meaning we have the best time with each other. There is nothing I love better than sitting in my grandparents house and talking, eating ice cream.
My mom has said it many times and the older I get the more I agree, Brooke is the one who indeeds holds us together. My sister loves hard. She takes things to heart and challenges me to love people that way. So Thank You Brooke for being my sister, for showing me how to love others, to work hard at something that doesn't come naturally to me, to focus on the positive when everything seems bad, to consider others before myself and how not to fear what is ahead of me.

The Lord knows exactly how to put families together and without my sister my family would not be as Awesome as we are. Congrats to my Sister and all of her friends. I look forward to seeing her next move and viewing how she is going to impact the World for the Lord next.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Baby Names from a Single Gal

Hey Y'all,
I am taking a much needed paper writing break to answer Mrs. Kelly Stamps Friday Blog... For as long as I can remember I have been talking about baby names with people. My roommate in College has a GIANT list of names and I often use baby names for ice breaker. Nothing can get a room full of high school girls talking more than baby names.

Yes.... I know that I am not married and that my husband will probably want some say in it, but my list is about what I want as of now. I will compromise, Promise.

My favorite name for a boy is Asa... in my family you must have a name that can be shortened or made into a nickname. It is how my family shows affection. It is one of my favorite things that we do and I love to be called by mine. Asa is also a great king in the Old Testament and I like names that sounds very and strong for a boy.

My second name that I like for a boy is Bo/Beau... because when my dad was picking out my brother Jacob's name he was really close to picking this name. I know it is one of my Daddy's favorites. Also, if you go with the Bo option it can be short for Boaz, which is from my favorite story in the bible. Boaz plays such a beautiful role in the life of Ruth and also serves as a simple of how Jesus loves and cares for us.

My Girl name is a bit of a controversy in my family. I love the name Cornelia, but my mother absolutely can't stand it. If you bring it up, she just says that she will call her Grace. So... my other choices are Bernadette, Hannah, Constance, Millicent, Lydia, Mae. I love older elegant names.

Middle names I will try to find family names. I would love to name a little girl Helsley Kate or Lyn, because I love being a Helsley and because I am a good Southern girl, I will give up my name to take my husbands, I guess :-). It might be too rough though, so we would have to think about it.

Obviously, the little girl's name is a little harder for me, but how cute would a little Asian girl be with a old fashion beautiful name?


Thursday, May 6, 2010

God's Self Worth

Hey Y'all,

Working with girls for a while, there are a lot of things that I see that they struggle with. Luckily, I being a girl myself can always relate. The thing that I notice that all people really struggle with is the idea of Self Worth. I am doing the study Search for Significance with Miss Hayleigh Mack, one of the girls that I mentor. I have probably done this study more than 4 times. I find that it not only lays down Biblical Truth, but common sense about how we should feel about our self.

As I was going over it with Hayleigh, I started to realize something that I have never thought about before. My Self Worth if not found in God, which if I am truthful and if most people were truthful, it is not. Well then our Self Worth is never going to be what it needs to be. Because we seek it from something that is not perfect. So.... to receive true, pure, whole Self Worth we need to seek it from the one who is perfect and can provide perfect Self Worth.

This a part of a Shane and Shane song from their Pages CD... I think that it shows the lie that we believe on a daily basis.

Oh the devil’s singing over me
An age old song
That I am cursed and gone astray
Singing the first verse so conveniently
He’s forgotten the refrain
Jesus saves!

My Challenge to you is to find your Self Worth in the Lord and seek His Wisdom and Knowledge. Also please remember that the Lord loves you despite what we do and that you are valuable to him.
