Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Back to the Basics....

Hey y'all,
Where I work, we are not supposed to say that we are busy, we are supposed to say that we are really popular. It has to do with not letting the patients know that we are super busy and they are not our top priority.... so this is my response to you. I have been really popular and have had no time to blog. No worries though... I am back in action.

I have been dealing with the idea of God being a refining fire recently. When I was in youth in 6th grade, we would sing this song talking about how our God was a refining fire and that it is how God is shaping us to be His children. We must go through this process in order to come out new, shiny, and ready to be used by God. I guess either I was too busy playing games with my friends or talking about boys during the sermon to hear the part about how this process is not a pleasant one.... that in fact it is a painful process that reveals some stuff that you have locked up deep deep deep in the spots of my mind and heart that I don't ever want to go.

As I was reading in the bible I came across this verse and decided that as God is ripping off the bandaid that is my life right now. I am going to claim this verse. Psalms 86:11

"Teach me your way, O Lord
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name. "
Just a little update on where I am.
Love ya,