I started my online seminary courses this week. And I must say... I am liking it. Let me give you a little background....
Cue flashback music: I like to argue with people. I love a good healthy debate where no feelings get hurt, but opinions and views are expressed. Well, I am not sure if all seminary classes are like this, but I happened to sit through a year of people arguing with each other and if they would have stopped to listen to each other speak, they would have realized that they were always arguing the same point. I know what you are thinking... bitter much? :-) Listen now some people like this, but at 8:00am it is not my favorite thing to be doing.
Back to Present: Online classes you still discuss things and you are required to comment on other people's post, but if you realize they are just agreeing or commenting for the sake of commenting, I can push this wonderful little arrow button that moves me to the next post. Bliss :-) Also my facial expression tend to get me in trouble and in this situation no one can see.
I wanted to show you my new back to school outfit:

Love the outfit! :)