Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Little Wisdom
Here is a little Oswald Chambers via Suzanne Wiley.... Wisdom for this season of life.
"Once you have the right relationship with God through salvation and sanctification, remember whatever your circumstances may be, you have been placed there by God. And God uses the reaction of your life to your circumstances to fulfill HIS purpose, as long as you continue to "walk in the light as He is in the light" 1 John 1:7"
Hope y'all are having a good week so far.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bring it on...
I started my online seminary courses this week. And I must say... I am liking it. Let me give you a little background....
Cue flashback music: I like to argue with people. I love a good healthy debate where no feelings get hurt, but opinions and views are expressed. Well, I am not sure if all seminary classes are like this, but I happened to sit through a year of people arguing with each other and if they would have stopped to listen to each other speak, they would have realized that they were always arguing the same point. I know what you are thinking... bitter much? :-) Listen now some people like this, but at 8:00am it is not my favorite thing to be doing.
Back to Present: Online classes you still discuss things and you are required to comment on other people's post, but if you realize they are just agreeing or commenting for the sake of commenting, I can push this wonderful little arrow button that moves me to the next post. Bliss :-) Also my facial expression tend to get me in trouble and in this situation no one can see.
I wanted to show you my new back to school outfit:

Friday, August 20, 2010
Eat, Pray...Find Jesus
I just went to the movies with my mom, sister, and mema. We went to see Eat, Pray, Love. I wanted to see it really bad because I read the book and actually enjoyed it. I am a person who likes movies that others don't like, my favorite movie is American President. I kid around saying that if a man can sing to "Groovy Kind of Love" by Phil Collins and sit through the American President without falling asleep, he will be the one for me. And if you are wondering, I have yet to find him, :-)
This movie was a little long and might I say to me a little silly. I am all about finding yourself by traveling and adventure. If you know me... I am what my mother describes as the "Free Spirited" one. After watching this movie the only thing I could think of is why in the world does she need to travel and complain, and be gloomy gus to find herself. My mom said it best... The movie would have been over in 30mins, if she would have just found what she really needs which is Jesus.
So, please go and enjoy the movie. Be entertained. Stare at the cuteness that is James Franco, but please do not believe that the methods that the character in this movie goes through. Get yourself some coffee, get a large print bible and find yourself in the one who created you.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Green with Envy

I am suffering from a severe case of Ministry Envy. This is probably not what you are thinking. If you walk into any meeting or seminary, a person is sure to hear people talking about the numbers of people they have, how many people they baptized this year. How the giving went up 5%. After this comparing of numbers and programs, you will witness what I call Ministry Jealousy. It is when one minister has been defeated by the other one when it comes to numbers and programs. I have seen the best ministers fail in this battle of Christians. You laugh now, but nothing is more important to a minister's ego than the ability to look good to their fellow ministers.
Don't get me wrong, when it comes down to it.... the only thing that matters are the people and bringing Glory to God, but we also like to feel good about ourselves. My Ministry Envy is different. I simply just want to be a part of a ministry. I naturally every Wednesday gear myself up to go to church. It was my routine for so long that now I just sit around and wonder about how much I am not doing. So, I am simply jealous of everyone who gets to do ministry right now. I know my time is coming, I just need to rest on the fact that it is HIS timing and not my own.
Okay, enough with my gloomy gus day... I need some lipstick.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ain't no sunshine
No lie... I am not ready to be a mom. The only thing that I know how to juggle is how to hold my Starbucks, turn on my radio, and drive or my social schedule. Not that I can't multi-task, it is just that I have never had too. My parents took a trip to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. Woo Hoo. I was the personal driver, cook (although that was just putting stuff in the oven), guardian and all-around parent for the week.
My brother and sister are able to take care of themselves, but they are use to having my mom and dad to do different things for them. So, my days consisted of waiting for them to do things or needing me to do something for them.
I would like to dedicate this song to my parents.... One of my favorite songs.
Not that we can't make it without my Parents around, but we honestly don't want to have to do it. :-)