Friday, July 30, 2010

Negative Much?

Hey Y'all,
Last night, I spent time with one of my good friends from high school. She is one of those girls who just gushes happiness and positivity. I really don't know many people who don't like her. We used to spend lots of time together in the summers and one time when I was younger she asked me why I had to be so negative. That sometimes my negativity is hard to handle. At first I am sure that it made me mad, but as I look at it, I realize that it is the true.

We live in a culture that is naturally negative. There is probably a reason that my brother calls me "Negative Nancy". Although it is something that I struggle with everyday, I now know that my attitude about things makes all the difference. I don't believe in sugar coating things or making things seem fake, but not picking out the negative in everything is an important part of who we are and as women we should be careful.

So.... I was at my favorite LOCAL store a couple of days picking up a few things and I saw a shirt that made me think of the above situation. It said.... "YOUR AS FAKE AS YOUR TAN IS". All I could think was why do we as women do things that put other women down. There are plenty of things EVERYWHERE that put us down, why in the world would we take an active part in it.

Challenge: Be uplifting to everyone we see, even if it is a smile. Lets start making people feel good about who they are and show God's love to everyone.


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