I was trying to update my blog during my long wait for eclipse to start playing...Side note: It was totally worth it. Best one so far the the series. So since I haven't written anything about what is happening in a long time, due to the fact that I have be gone for most of the month of June.
On Saturday, I pack up all my stuff again to move back to Bentonville. I have served my year here and am leaving Lee's Summit. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited to see what is going to happen in my future, but I have a VERY SPECIAL Place in my heart for the people here. I really has been a story of how the Lord supplies everything that we need to survive and how our timing is not God's timing. I was telling Renee (my wonderful roommate) that if you had told me in October that I would miss living here, I would have laughed. I love my church family, who have served like a real family on many occasions, they have accepted me into their very little, close-knit family.
Renee: Thank you so much for who you are... for being able to push me to do things that I would not have tried. For being patient with me even when things were not going the way that I wanted. For inviting me to everything and understanding that I just like to have people around me. You are the best Forced friend that I have ever had and I know that you will be a big help to everyone that you will meet.
Marc, Ryan, Aaron, and Brandan: Thank you for putting up with me and for listening to me ranting about different things that I didn't like. I know that I am different than anyone you would choose to hangout with. Thanks for letting me watch you play many different sports and for encouraging me when I actually play. I cannot wait to see y'all in some kind of ministry one day and I really am serious about the mega company that we should start.
Interns: We have been through something that few would even understand. (I am not sure if anyone would even like too). Thank you for partnering with me to do God's work. We have had our differences, but when it comes to talent, the 5 of you are amazing and I am so thankful that you accepted the challenge of doing ministry. I love each of you in a different way and I look forward to hanging out in the future.
Jeff and Lesli: Thank you for inviting me into your home and for allowing me to work with the ministry that God has given you. Jeff, you have provided me with many different learning experiences and have taught me to work with different people. To pick and choose your battles and to sometimes just suck it up and deal with people. Probably the best thing that I have learned from y'all as a couple is the importance of doing ministry together. That you can actually have a ministry that is enhanced by a good relationship between a husband and wife.
FBCLS: Thank you for welcoming me with open arms. For allowing the interns to do our job and for backing us up when it got difficult. For feeding us and for allowing us to lurk around the church doing crazy things.
Okay: I am going to post some pictures of our various trips. Enjoy and I will write again.
