It is officially Brooke Week in the Helsley Home. My amazing, awesome, beautiful, compassionate, kind, sweet, sassy, wonderful, and most importantly Godly sister is graduating from High school. I will be going home for 5 days to celebrate this huge accomplishment for my sister. Without getting too mushy or sad, I just wanted to write about how much my sister graduating is really a testament to our faithful the Lord is and how much He Loves and cares for His Children. My sister and I are almost as opposite as one can get from someone. She truly holds all the characteristics that I don't and she carries them out beautifully. I hold pride in my family because if you know the Helsley's we are quite the family, meaning we have the best time with each other. There is nothing I love better than sitting in my grandparents house and talking, eating ice cream.
My mom has said it many times and the older I get the more I agree, Brooke is the one who indeeds holds us together. My sister loves hard. She takes things to heart and challenges me to love people that way. So Thank You Brooke for being my sister, for showing me how to love others, to work hard at something that doesn't come naturally to me, to focus on the positive when everything seems bad, to consider others before myself and how not to fear what is ahead of me. The Lord knows exactly how to put families together and without my sister my family would not be as Awesome as we are. Congrats to my Sister and all of her friends. I look forward to seeing her next move and viewing how she is going to impact the World for the Lord next.
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